Published Papers Since 2010

Search and Matching

Vertical Differentiation in Frictional Product Markets, (with G. Menzio and S. Vroman), Journal of Political Economy  Macroeconomics, September 2023.

Directed Search with Phantom Vacancies, (with B. Decreuse and S. Vroman),  International Economic Review, May 2023.

On the Foundations of Competitive Search Equilibrium with and without Market Makers ,(with X. Cai,  P. Gautier, and S. Vroman), Journal of Economic Theory, March 2023.

Multiple Applications, Competing Mechanisms and Market Power, (with X. Cai,  P. Gautier and S. Vroman), Journal of Economic Theory,  November 2020.

Public Sector Employment in an Equilibrium Search and Matching Model, (with M. Robayo-Abril and S. Vroman), Economic Journal, January 2019. (Web Appendix)

On-the-Job Search and Match-Specific Amenities, (with C. Carrillo-Tudela and S. Vroman, Economic Letters, January 2018.

Directed Search in the Housing Market, (with P. Gautier and S. Vroman), Review of Economic Dynamics, January 2016.

Efficient Entry in Competing Auctions, (with P. Gautier and S. Vroman), (Online Appendix), American Economic Review, October 2014.

An Equilibrium Search Model of Synchronized Sales, (with F. Postel-Vinay and S. Vroman), (Supplement to the paper), International Economic Review, May 2013.

A Note on Peters and Severinov, “Competition Among Sellers Who Offer Auctions Instead of Prices”, (with P. Gautier and S. Vroman), Journal of Economic Theory, January 2012.

The 2010 Nobel Memorial Prize in Search Theory, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, June 2011.

Search by Committee, (with A. Anderson and S. Vroman), Journal of Economic Theory, July 2010.

Efficiency in a Search and Matching Model with Endogenous Participation, (with L. Navarro and S. Vroman), Economic Letters, January 2010.

Empirical Labor

The Career Dynamics of High-Skilled Women and Men: Evidence from Sweden, (with M. Bronson, P. Thoursie, and S. Vroman), European Economic Review, June 2018. Reprinted in European Economic Review, Special Issue on Gender Differences in the Labor Market, October 2018.

The Black-White Wage Gap Among Young Women in 1990 vs. 2011: The Role of Selection and Educational Attainment, (with A. van Vuuren and S. Vroman), Labour Economics, April 2015.

Parental Leave and the Glass Ceiling in Sweden, (with P. Thoursie and S. Vroman), Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 41, 2015.

Unionization and the Evolution of the Wage Distribution in Sweden: 1968 to 2000, (with A. Björklund and S. Vroman), Industrial and Labor Relations Review, October 2011.

Working Papers and Work in Progress

Competitive Search with Private Information: Can Price Signal Quality?, (with X. Cai,  P. Gautier, and S. Vroman),  December 2024.

Parental Leave: Economic Incentives and Cultural Change, (with P-A Edin, R. Fernández, Jiwon Lee, P. Thoursie, and S. Vroman), August 2024.

Existence of Competitive Equilibrium with Complements and Indivisibilities: A Search Perspective, (with X. Cai, P, Gautier and S. Vroman), December 2023.

An "Orthodox" Theory of Dual Labor Markets, (with B. Hobijn, J. Royal, A. Șahin, and S. Vroman)

Older Manuscripts

The Knowledge Lift: The Swedish Adult Education that Aimed to Eliminate Low Worker Skill Levels, (with G. van den Berg and S. Vroman), February 2005. (This is a longer version of the January 2009 paper in Review of Economic Dynamics.)

Matching With Multiple Applications: The Limiting Case, (with P. Gautier and S. Vroman), August 2003. (This is a longer version of the September 2004 note in Economics Letters.)

An Equilibrium Model of Structural Unemployment, (with K. Storesletten and S. Vroman), May 1998.